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eIDAS Electronic Seals and Signatures for Enterprise + Organizations

Certificate for Advanced Signatures

For Employees; Digital Download

For Physical Token, Click Here

Certificate for Qualified Signatures

For Employees

Physical Token

Certificate for Advanced Seals

For Organizations; Digital

For Physical Token, Click Here

Certificate for Qualified Seals

For Organizations/Enterprise

Physical Token


Electronic Signatures and Seals

The eIDAS (electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services) regulation further distinguishes between advanced and qualified signatures and seals.

An advanced electronic signature (AdES) or seal is based on a qualified certificate for electronic signatures, and has the following characteristics:

  • It is uniquely linked to the signatory.
  • It can identify the signatory.
  • It is linked to data in the signature that can detect any changes made.

A qualified electronic signature (QES) or seal is an AdES that is created using a qualified electronic signature creation device (QSCD) and issued by a qualified trust service provider (QTSP) like Sectigo. The signature is based on a qualified certificate for electronic signatures or seals.

Advanced Versus Qualified Signatures and Seals

Sectigo eIDAS qualified certificates can be used on any platform or application that trusts the European Union Trusted Lists (EUTL), which includes Sectigo.

Most PDF file formats are supported, including Adobe PDF. The Sectigo root certificate is included in the Adobe Approved Trust Listed (AATL) and EUTL, and electronic signatures and seals made with valid Sectigo eIDAS qualified certificates are automatically trusted on all Adobe software.

eIDAS qualified certificates can also be used to sign document file formats, including the following:

  • MS Office
  • Adobe
  • Open Office
  • LibreOffice

Validation and Issuance - IMPORTANT

Getting Your Qualified eIDAS Certificate

Once a digital certificate is ordered, you will be guided through the steps of passing the necessary validation checks so that your certificate can be issued. It's very important to understand the requirements for validation so your certificate can be issued as quickly as possible.

Sectigo eIDAS qualified certificates for the purpose of creating qualified signatures and seals are provided on the 5110 CC USB eToken, which is a QSCD under the eIDAS regulation.

Sectigo eIDAS qualified certificates for the purpose of creating advanced signatures are provided on the 5110 USB eToken, which is a SCD.

Sectigo eIDAS qualified certificates for the purpose of creating advanced seals are also provided on the 5110 USB eToken. They can also be provided for storage on any HSM that supports the issuance of digital seals.

If you will be installing your certificate on an HSM, you will have submitted your CSR when you ordered the certificate.

For orders where Sectigo will deliver your certificate on a SCD or QSCD, the CSR is not required.

Face to face verification is used to verify your identity. This requires completion of the face-to-face form that will be provided to you by Sectigo, along with instructions for completing the form. The completed form must be notarized and accompanied by:

  • A notarized copy of government-issued photo ID.
  • Status of Author to verify the licensing status of the notary.

You will receive an email verification email. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your email address.

When you place an order, the Subscriber Agreement email is sent to your email address.

Follow the instructions in the email to complete the subscriber agreement.

As part of the verification, Sectigo verifies the phone number provided with the order. You will receive an email with instructions, and the process will involve a callback to the phone number that was verified as part of the organization identity.

The callback verifies the following:

  • The phone number is that of the organization.
  • The authenticity of the order and that it was placed by the organization.
  • The signature on the agreement is confirmed by the signer.
  • The authority of the signer to enter into an agreement.

As part of the verification, Sectigo verifies the organization details provided with the order, including:

  • The legal identity and existence of the organization
  • The physical existence of the organization
  • The operational existence of the organization

You may be required to provide additional documentation and receive callbacks.

Seals and Signatures

eIDAS Seals and Signatures Explained

Sectigo eIDAS Qualified Certificates enable users to apply advanced and qualified electronic signatures to documents, including Adobe and Microsoft Office documents, providing trusted assurance of authenticity for electronically transmitted documents usable on any operating system.

An electronic signature is data in electronic form that is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form, and that is used by the signatory to sign, where the signatory is a natural person. Like its handwritten counterpart in the offline world, an electronic signature can be used, for instance, to electronically indicate that the signatory has written the document, agreed with the content of the document, or that the signatory was present as a witness.

Electronic seals can serve as evidence that an electronic document was issued by a legal person, ensuring the veracity of the document’s origin and integrity. Across the European Union and all EU member states, when an electronic transaction requires a qualified seal from a legal person, a qualified electronic signature from an authorized representative of the legal person is also accepted.

Delivery of Seals and Signatures

  • Qualified seals—for organizations, issued on a USB token QSCD, ensuring the origin and integrity of the sealed document.
  • Advanced seals—for organizations, issued on a USB token or other SCD.
  • Qualified signatures—for individuals, issued on a USB token QSCD, providing the same legal validity as handwritten signatures
  • Advanced signatures—for individuals, issued on a USB token SCD.