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Expert commentary on the latest issues and trends in online trust, digital certificates, web security, IoT, and identity solutions by established leaders in digital security.

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    Why SSL certificates expire: exploring the benefits of shorter validity periods

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jul 22, 2024

    SSL certificates expire to boost security and compliance. Shorter 90-day periods enhance protection, making automated renewals essential for businesses.

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    Why SSL certificate renewal automation is essential for businesses of all sizes

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jul 18, 2024

    Automating SSL renewals prevents outages, saves time, and ensures security, making it vital for all businesses.

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    Understanding The 5 Pillars of Certificate Lifecycle Management

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jul 12, 2024

    Certificate Lifecycle Management (CLM) involves discovering, issuing, renewing, and revoking digital certificates, crucial for enterprise cybersecurity. Key pillars: Discover, Deploy, Revoke and Replace, Renew, Integration.

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    Google to distrust Entrust SSL/TLS certificates

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jul 01, 2024

    In a significant move to enhance digital certificate security, Google Chrome has announced its decision to distrust all public SSL/TL certificates issued by Entrust, effective after October 31, 2024.

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    What Is the CA/Browser Forum?

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jul 01, 2024

    The CA/Browser Forum sets standards for digital certificates, enhancing security and reliability through collaboration among CAs, browsers, and tech firms.

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    What it takes to be a reputable Certificate Authority

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 28, 2024

    Certificate Authorities (CAs) are vital for digital security, providing SSL/TLS certificates that authenticate and secure online communications. They ensure data integrity and privacy, protecting against security threats. A reputable CA adheres to industry standards, undergoes rigorous audits, and complies with CA/Browser Forum regulations. Businesses must choose CAs based on reputation, validation levels, domain flexibility, lifecycle management, and customer support. Sectigo, a leading CA, offers robust security solutions and exceptional customer service, making it a top choice for securing websites, networks, and applications.

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    The Evolving SSL/TLS Certificate Lifecycle & How to Manage the Changes

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 27, 2024

    PKI certificates verify identities and encrypt data. Understand their lifecycle, the impact of shorter validity, and the benefits of automated management.

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    Intermediate vs Root Certificates

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 25, 2024

    PKI verifies online entities and secures communication. Root and intermediate certificates create a trust chain, ensuring data integrity.

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    How to renew SSL certificates & how to automate the process

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 24, 2024

    SSL/TLS certificates secure data exchange. Periodic renewal is needed to avoid disruptions. Automating renewals is recommended.

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    Risks of poor PKI management

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 11, 2024

    Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is essential for businesses to maintain data security and protect digital communications. However, implementing a PKI is just the first step—you must support it with proper ongoing management to reap the benefits and prevent security exposures.

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    Certificate Lifecycle Management the key to robust digital security in healthcare

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 05, 2024

    The complexity of managing vast amounts of data in the healthcare industry, including sensitive Personal Health Information (PHI), invaluable intellectual property, and internal records, is compounded by strict data privacy and security regulations.

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    The Importance of Crypto Agility in Preventing Certificate-Related Outages

    A Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Jun 04, 2024

    Digital certificates play a vital role in driving today's powerful system of identity-based security — from securing online communications and transactions to encrypting software developer code and much more.