Sectigo Brand Center
Welcome to the online hub for all Sectigo brand guidelines, partner resources and assets.

Product Assets
PCI compliance scanning enables merchants to validate PCI Compliance quarterly on up to five servers using the full complement of HackerGuardian plug-ins (over 30,000 individual vulnerability tests). The HackerGuardian Additional IP Address Pack allows HackerGuardian to grow with your external and internal PCI scanning needs.
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Collateral and Landing Pages
Collateral and Landing Pages
Below not only will you find collateral on PCI Compliance, but also the master file for the HackerGuardian landing page. Additionally, please follow the below link to view our PCI Compliance Landing Page
Email Assets
Email Assets
Here you will find all the assets needed to promote HackerGuardian via email. Additionally, for reference, below are examples of what the HackerGuardian emails should look like when fully coded:
- Introducing HackerGuardian 2.0 to Partners
Web Banners