We Are Sectigo | Diana Davis

People are often surprised to find out that Diana Davis, HR Coordinator at Sectigo, hasn’t always worked in human resources. Before joining Sectigo, she spent the majority of her career working in the nonprofit sector in New York City, assisting individuals affected by HIV and AIDS. For Diana, that work held an important place in her heart because she spent her days helping people enter or reenter the workforce—a role she believes played a part in leading her to human resources.
“I always thought my career paralleled HR,” says Diana. “I was used to helping people with employment and a lot of what goes into human resources. My first job in HR was about 15 years into my career, and I loved it immediately.”
Diana is eleven months in as HR Coordinator at Sectigo’s US Headquarters in Roseland, New Jersey. The teams that Diana worked within her previous roles were much larger, but the more intimate scale of Sectigo’s HR department has helped her feel genuinely connected to her coworkers. Diana wants her contributions to be meaningful and have an impact—a motivation reflected by her time in the nonprofit sector. She takes pride in aiding people to feel more comfortable in their career path and work life.
“Sectigo encompasses all of my experience into one beautiful role,” she says. “I look forward to going to work every day. I jumped at the opportunity to work for a smaller HR department, and to learn and continue to grow—especially through the leadership of [Sectigo Director of HR] Melanie Shellhorn. I am exhilarated every day to learn something new—I love that I don’t know everything, it keeps things interesting.”
Big things are happening at Sectigo, especially in the HR department. Diana manages Sectigo’s cloud-based HR management platform, handling the software directly and maintaining the integrity of all records. Always eager for a challenge, Diana loves to learn and implement new systems—something that keeps her pretty busy. In addition to the big projects, Diana is hands-on with daily employee interactions and inquiries, including onboarding and benefits.
A Personal Touch Makes All the Difference
“Walking into Sectigo, I immediately felt the positive energy,” says Diana. “It is a really lively place with enthusiasm in the air. I appreciate that you can hear people talking to each other all day. To me, that shows the real presence, collaboration, and vigor of the employees.”
Diana met Sectigo CEO Bill Holtz on her very first day, something that left her with a strong positive impression. She remembers Bill chatting with people about their weekends—not simply walking around to ensure that his employees were working, but genuinely caring about each one. Diana has found that level of executive accessibility unique and invigorating, and something that makes the Sectigo culture really stand out.
“It was refreshing to see a CEO talking with his employees,” Diana recalled. “It was inspiring. I wish every organization had leaders that did that. Bill knows everybody’s name, and that shows employees that they are valued.”
A Strong Community Makes for a Winning Culture
Many organizations want their culture to be like that of a “family,” but that environment can sometimes feel awkward or forced. As far as Diana is concerned, Sectigo has found the magic formula—through a culmination of HR sponsored and executive-led initiatives, the company has maintained a tight-knit culture since day one. Every employee has access to senior leaders, including Bill Holtz, which helps to create the feeling of a family.
At other companies, Diana has gone to functions outside of work hours that felt like obligations, but she explains that “if there were functions scheduled outside of work hours at Sectigo, I would happily go because I know they’re being planned to enrich the culture, build the team, and make employees feel recognized and rewarded. I haven’t really experienced that in any other job I’ve had. People are genuinely happy for each other. We really look forward to the monthly events we get to do together.”
Diana’s best advice for potential new candidates is to be willing, ready, and able to work to their potential and beyond. The ability to make a positive impact on both coworkers and customers is something that has been important to Diana since her days in the nonprofit sector, and she is excited to have found an environment in which she can achieve a similar level of satisfaction. Diana is eager to note that Sectigo is the perfect place for people ready to push themselves to generate positive outcomes.
“At Sectigo, you get to wear many hats,” said Diana. “One minute you can be in a meeting with executives and another you can be hands-on in a technical project—it’s nice to have an array of diversified tasks every day. Although the company is global, each and every one is provided the opportunity to be seen and recognized for their efforts.”