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Blog Post Sep 24, 2020

Sectigo’s 2020 Mission ‘Possible’: Business Continuity

To say that the year 2020 has forced businesses to face unprecedented challenges would be an understatement. Amid a global pandemic, uncertainty has become the norm and businesses are tackling real questions about what the future may hold for remote work, growth, and profitability.

Unsurprisingly, Sectigo is seeing our partners and customers prioritize cybersecurity amid this new work-from-home era. Cybercriminals are taking advantage of new ways to exploit remote work environments across the globe, an array of industries have also seen once-reliable architectures disrupted, and IT teams are stretched as they balance growth initiatives with unforeseen operational and support projects.

This is a time for the industry to step it up with knowledge sharing and best-practice automated SaaS solutions that help organizations of all sizes with their digital identity and web security postures.

We are working closely with our customers and partners to bring awareness to the most critical threats they face and to deliver solutions that help them securely shift operations to widely distributed environments. Businesses are working to solve new problems, and in turn, we are continuously evolving our solutionsand resourcesto best fit those needs.

Timely Market Education

Sectigo has shifted our priorities to elevate market education that helps customers maintain business continuity during the COVID-19. Our approach has been one of listening and collaborative problem-solving. We have worked to put out relevant and timely educational content through the Sectigo Blog and Root Causes podcast series.

Earlier this year, we commissioned a survey of 500 IT professionals to learn more about the effects that widespread remote work has had on IT departments. The study produced some interesting findings—especially for the banking industry. This new market data has helped the industry better understand the challenges that large enterprises face during the transition, how they are responding, and what security postures may look like longer term.

While broader industry topics are always something that we appreciate the chance to comment on, right now people are more interested in how-to guides and real-world problem solving. We also recently published an eBook about using PKI to better secure the remote workforce, helping those in need to identify ways to operate safely and securely amid this unprecedented situation.

It is important to note that the COVID-19 crisis has caused problems that are not unique to one company, or even one CA. We are also directing customers to resources like our new PKI Risk Assessment Tool so that they can more easily identity and address risks. Or, a new how-to guide for Microsoft CA that outlines how enterprises can quickly use their existing deployment to secure Microsoft devices. These assets don’t focus on Sectigo technology, but right now, that doesn’t matter. People want to know how to solve the problems this crisis is causing, and we’re doing our best to provide them as much useful information as we can.

Security Solutions for Business Continuity

Businesses are looking to minimize disruption, making the integrations and automation offered in Sectigo’s web security and digital identity platforms invaluable for establishing and maintaining secure internet operations in increasingly dispersed cloud environments.

One thing that has emerged, as evident in the WFH era, is that “identity is the new perimeter.” We are proud that Sectigo has been able to meet the growing demand for digital identity management as enterprises look to strengthen their remote access systems to ensure business continuity. Remote working means a growing number of devices connecting to company networks, as employees are forced to use their own devices to accomplish work goals. Authenticating those devices is critical for network security, and we have been able to assist both new and long-standing customers with the now-pressing task of upgrading their digital identity capabilities. To that end, this year, Sectigo released several industry-leading innovations and services during the first half of 2020, including Azure Key Vault integration and a digital certificate app for ServiceNow.

Our decision to launch the Sectigo Web Security Platform in February proved to be fortuitous timing, given the current remote work situation, and it has allowed us to help our partners and customers remain secure in these difficult times. Within the past several months, we have released several additional products for this platform, including our global Content Delivery Network (CDN) and Web Application Firewall (WAF) components, which add additional layers of security to an already robust offering.

It has been a challenging year for all of us, and as the world grapples with important issues, it isn’t always easy to feel like we’re making a difference. But as we adjust to the new normal—and help our customers do the same—we will continue to do what we have always done, which is put people first. As we head into the last quarter of this unprecedented year, we remain committed to making life a little easier for our customers, partners, and employees, and continuing to face down the cybersecurity challenges ahead of us.