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    What Is a Phishing Attack & How Does It Affect My Website?

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Oct 14, 2020

    Cybersecurity is a highly talked-about topic these days, and the word “phishing” gets thrown around quite a bit. Even if you know nothing about viruses, malware, or how to protect yourself online, you probably have come across this term at some point. Most people know it’s bad, and know not to click links or open attachments from people they don’t know, but unfortunately, the knowledge tends to stop there. Not many people can really speak to this common type of cyber attack and why it is harmful to a website.

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    What Is Blacklisting, and How Does It Impact a Website?

    Blog Post from Sectigo

    Blog Post Oct 07, 2020

    You’ve heard the term “blacklist” used many times, but what does it really mean?